Is Kayaking Good for Weight Loss? 5 Tips to Quickly Lose Weight

Kayaking is one of the most popular water sports that not only provides an enjoyable outdoor activity but also offers numerous physical benefits.

From building strength and endurance to improving balance and coordination, kayaking has become a favored activity for many who are looking to get in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

But, is kayaking good for weight loss? Can you lose a lot of weight by just kayaking?

Kayaking is good for weight loss as it provides a full-body workout that burns a significant amount of calories. It combines resistance and cardio training to challenge your muscles and increase your heart rate. However, kayaking may not provide significant weight loss results on its own.

Keep reading to learn more about how kayaking can be good for weight loss and the other physical benefits of kayaking.

Is Kayaking Good for Weight Loss?

a photo of a fit kayaker to answer is kayaking good for weight loss

Kayaking can be a good form of exercise for weight loss as it provides a full-body workout that can help you burn calories as well as build muscle.

In addition to burning calories and building muscles, kayaking is also a low-impact activity, making it a good option for individuals with joint problems who are looking for an alternative form of exercise.

How Much Weight Can You Lose From Kayaking?

The amount of weight you can lose from kayaking will depend on several factors, including your starting weight, diet, the intensity and frequency of your kayaking sessions, and how many calories you burn while kayaking.

Also, you need to keep in mind that weight loss is not just about calorie burning; it’s also about creating a calorie deficit. Basically, in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume.

To estimate how much weight you might be able to lose from kayaking, you can start by calculating your daily caloric needs and then subtracting the calories burned from your kayaking sessions.

You can use this simple calculator, it’ll only take a minute:

How Many Calories Does Kayaking Burn?

The exact number of calories you burn while kayaking will depend on factors such as your weight, the workout’s intensity, and the session’s length.

For example, a person weighing 125 pounds can burn around 200-300 calories per hour of kayaking, while someone weighing 155 pounds can burn around 250-400 calories.

Additionally, since kayaking can increase your metabolism, you will still burn more calories even when you’re not active. So if you want to get a more accurate estimate of the number of calories burned while kayaking, it is recommended to use a heart rate monitor or wearable fitness tracker.

Compared to other activities, kayaking is considered a moderate-intensity workout that burns a similar number of calories to activities such as cycling, hiking, and swimming.

To give you a better understanding, here are some estimated calorie burns in other activities for comparison:

  • Cycling can burn between 400-1000 calories per hour.
  • Hiking can burn between 300-500 calories per hour.
  • Swimming can burn between 500-700 calories per hour.
  • Running can burn between 600-1000 calories per hour.

Does Kayaking Help with Losing Fat?

Kayaking does help with losing fat as it helps you burn calories and create a calorie deficit. It can also increase your metabolism, which in turn can lead to a higher percentage of fat loss.

However, it’s important to remember that fat loss is a complex process that depends on many factors, including your diet, overall physical activity level, and genetics.

Does Kayaking Help with Building Muscles?

Kayaking does help with building muscles as it’s a full-body workout that can target various muscle groups, including your arms, legs, back, and core.

For instance, paddling against the resistance of the water can provide a challenging workout for your upper body, while maintaining balance and stability in the kayak can work your core and lower body.

However, just like losing fat, it’s important to note that the extent to which kayaking can help build muscles will depend on the intensity and frequency of your kayaking sessions, as well as your overall diet and physical activity level.

5 Tips to Quickly Lose Weight By Kayaking

Here are some tips to help you lose more quickly by kayaking:

  1. Incorporate interval training: Interval training involves alternating high-intensity periods with periods of rest or lower-intensity activity. This type of workout can increase your heart rate, burn more calories, and help you lose weight faster.
  2. Increase the intensity of your kayaking sessions: Paddle harder and faster to increase the intensity of your workout and burn more calories.
    • You can also add resistance exercises, such as using resistance bands or dumbbells, during your kayaking sessions to build muscle and increase the calories burned.
  3.  Make it a regular part of your routine: To see weight loss results, it’s important to make kayaking a regular part of your routine.
    • Try to kayak at least 3-4 times a week for 30-60 minutes at a time.
  4. Combine it with other forms of exercise: Kayaking is a great form of exercise, but to see the best results, it’s best to combine it with other forms of physical activity, such as strength training and cardio exercises. This can help you build muscle, increase your metabolism, and burn more calories.
  5. Eat a healthy, balanced diet: To see weight loss results, it’s important to make healthy choices in your diet.
    • Focus on eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains, and limit your intake of processed foods and added sugars.

By following these tips, you will be able to see more progress in your goal of losing weight. However, keep in mind that weight loss can be a slow process and may not be linear. There may be days or weeks when you don’t see much change on the scale, but this doesn’t mean you’re not making progress.

Can You Lose Weight By Just Kayaking?

Losing weight by just kayaking is possible if you’re in a calorie deficit. However, kayaking may not always provide enough intensity or frequency to produce significant weight loss results on its own.

To see significant weight loss results, it’s best to incorporate a balanced diet and other forms of physical activity, such as strength training and cardio exercises, into your routine.

Also, keep in mind that everyone’s body is different, and the rate of weight loss can vary depending on factors such as diet, genetics, and starting weight.

Other Health Benefits of Kayaking

Just like any other physical activity, kayaking has many other health benefits besides weight loss. So, let’s break down those benefits in more detail.

  1. Improved cardiovascular health: Kayaking is a form of aerobic exercise that can improve your cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and strengthening your heart and lungs.
  2. Improved muscle strength and endurance: Kayaking is a full-body workout that can help you build strength and endurance in your arms, legs, back, and core.
  3. Stress relief: Kayaking is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce stress and improve mental health. Being out on the water can provide a sense of peace and relaxation, and physical activity can help release endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters.
  4. Increased flexibility and balance: Kayaking requires good posture, balance, and coordination, which can help improve your overall flexibility and stability.
  5. Improved joint health: Kayaking is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce the impact on your joints and lower your risk of joint problems.
  6. Increased exposure to nature: Kayaking can be a great way to get outside and connect with nature. Spending time in nature has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, and boosting overall well-being.


In conclusion, kayaking is a great form of exercise that can provide numerous health and fitness benefits. If you’re looking to lose weight, improve cardiovascular health, build muscle strength and endurance, relieve stress, or even spend more time in nature, kayaking can help.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned kayaker, there are many opportunities to challenge yourself, build your skills, and reap the rewards of this enjoyable activity. So, get out on the water, and start kayaking today!

Kayak your way to Freedom

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